Hohot Ginger's 'Give Away' 回来了 !!!
首先, 要感谢各位这些日子以来对我的支持!
'Hothot Ginger' 现在1 岁3个月了 , 但还只是个婴儿>///<
但我已经无法计算, 我作&卖出了多少的手作 ?
所以... 我现在有些小礼物想要送给我最亲爱的粉丝.
Good News for my dear customer & supporter~
Hohot Ginger's 'Give Away' is back !!!
firstly,I would like to say thank you to all of you for support me !
'Hothot Ginger' is now 1 . 3 years old , still a baby >///<
But I do really can't count , how much handmade I've done & sold.
Thank you so much!
So, now I have some little gift to give my dear supporter,
If you are interested , pls follow the following rules ^^
1st Prize : Clutch 手拿包 x 1
2nd Prize : Key Holder 钥匙包 x 1
3rd Prize : Cellphone sleeve 手机套 x 1
Consolation prize :
Tissue Pouch 面纸包 x 3
Deadline : 30 July 2011
Hohot Ginger's 'Give Away' 回来了 !!!
首先, 要感谢各位这些日子以来对我的支持!
'Hothot Ginger' 现在1 岁3个月了 , 但还只是个婴儿>///<
但我已经无法计算, 我作&卖出了多少的手作 ?
所以... 我现在有些小礼物想要送给我最亲爱的粉丝.
Good News for my dear customer & supporter~
Hohot Ginger's 'Give Away' is back !!!
firstly,I would like to say thank you to all of you for support me !
'Hothot Ginger' is now 1 . 3 years old , still a baby >///<
But I do really can't count , how much handmade I've done & sold.
Thank you so much!
So, now I have some little gift to give my dear supporter,
If you are interested , pls follow the following rules ^^
Rule 规则
1. 曾买过我的手作品。
2. 帮买下的手作品拍张好看漂亮的照片,然后电邮至 gingershop@live.com.my 请附上你的地址和联系号码
3. 使用后的意见 和 你希望将来Hothot Ginger推出什么手作品?
4. 成为我部落格的Follwer (click badge 在右邊栏位最下面)
5. 加入 hothot Ginger的 面子书 (click badge 在右邊栏位最下面)
1. You bought my handmade before .
2.Take a NICE & BEAUTIFUL picture of my handmade that u bought before , than email to gingershop@live.com.my with your address & contact number
3. Some comment for that handmade & what handmade do u wish to release from
HothotGinger in future?
4. Be My Blogspot follower (juz click the"follow"at bottom left^^)
5.Join hothot Ginger's facebook (click the badge at right hand side bottom)
After done every rules above , Pls leave a comment below this article . If not i will ignore,Thanks!
完成以上所有规则后, 请在此文章下留言. 方便及计算,否则不受理~谢谢!
将会选出最喜欢的照片 & 最有诚意的意见~
1. 曾买过我的手作品。
2. 帮买下的手作品拍张好看漂亮的照片,然后电邮至 gingershop@live.com.my 请附上你的地址和联系号码
3. 使用后的意见 和 你希望将来Hothot Ginger推出什么手作品?
4. 成为我部落格的Follwer (click badge 在右邊栏位最下面)
5. 加入 hothot Ginger的 面子书 (click badge 在右邊栏位最下面)
1. You bought my handmade before .
2.Take a NICE & BEAUTIFUL picture of my handmade that u bought before , than email to gingershop@live.com.my with your address & contact number
3. Some comment for that handmade & what handmade do u wish to release from
HothotGinger in future?
4. Be My Blogspot follower (juz click the"follow"at bottom left^^)
5.Join hothot Ginger's facebook (click the badge at right hand side bottom)
After done every rules above , Pls leave a comment below this article . If not i will ignore,Thanks!
完成以上所有规则后, 请在此文章下留言. 方便及计算,否则不受理~谢谢!
将会选出最喜欢的照片 & 最有诚意的意见~
1st Prize : Clutch 手拿包 x 1
2nd Prize : Key Holder 钥匙包 x 1
3rd Prize : Cellphone sleeve 手机套 x 1
Consolation prize :
Tissue Pouch 面纸包 x 3
截止日期 : 7月30日2011 年Deadline : 30 July 2011